Speaking to my own ghost.

Yesterday I couldn’t attend the opening of Glyph Graves’ new installation at Inworldz Translation sim.  The sim wouldn’t allow me to connect to it. I tried and tried, using three different viewers.  I was able to get onto the SecondLife LEA21 sim for SL’s side of the multi-grid communication experiment.  See, the deal is that from either world, you will see a ghost appear of whoever’s avies are present on the sim in the other world.  By clicking on the ghost, barring any technical issues (like a slow internet connection) you can speak to that avie in the other world in your own open chat.

Today I gave it a shot and found SL’s side at LEA21 to be empty of traffic – except for PatriciaAnne Daviau.  I found out from her that she was also present at the Inworldz Translation sim… so naturally, I had to log in to Inworldz and go there too.  Now we were both present simultaneously in both worlds.  Now it gets interesting because our ghosts now appeared in both worlds as well.  By clicking on our own ghost, we could chat with ourselves in the other world.

This is an intriguing idea, thought up by the redoubtable Glyph Graves, who likes to crash sims almost as much as I do.  The tech utilizes the same multi-grid communication protocols that were used by the now-defunct Radionne multi-grid communicator of a few years ago.

This is a screenshot of PatriciaAnne and myself logged in simultaneously to both SecondLife and Inworldz, and our respective ghosts:

PatriciaAnne Daviau and myself logged in simultaneously to SL and Inworldz.

PatriciaAnne Daviau and myself logged in simultaneously to SL and Inworldz.

…and our respective ghosts.

The following pic is of one of my oldest friends – Glyph Graves, when he was assisting me with one of my first Second Life art shows at Rezzable Visions in October of 2008.

Glyph Graves is mesmerized at my Rezzable Visions show in October of 2008.

Glyph Graves is mesmerized at my Rezzable Visions show in October of 2008.


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