Archive for October, 2011

I’m looking for a new home for my masterpiece.

Posted in Building, Dramas, Philosophy on October 13, 2011 by Wizzy

From 2/6/2009 until this week I had two sims on Reaction Grid.  Desdemona Enfield and I had the task of hammering on the Reaction Grid almost from its inception.  We used some pretty severe rez scripts that we developed in Second Life.  Almost immediately we started finding and reporting bugs in the open sim script engine.

Once some of those were ironed out, I went to work rezzing my masterpiece.  In Secondlife, I had built a 6,720 prim version of an 8-dimensional object called the E8 Polytope.  That is documented elsewhere on this blog.  Here on the open sim I sought to enhance and perfect the work that was started in Secondlife.

The attraction was the lack of limitations in the open sim.  There was no ten meter limit to the size of a prim, so the overall object could be built very big.  I planned to have the object fill the 256 x 256 meter sim.  Ultimately, I was successful with the object’s diameter being about 200 meters.  It rose 200 meters high and its top was in the clouds.

After spending days with this object I realized that I could define a polyhedron by putting a skin onto the wireframe object.  This I accomplished and documented my discovery of what I called the “Wizardgynoiderene.”

A 3D version as well as a 2D version were rezzed, bringing the total prims of the structure to over 13,000.  I then added some more discoveries of spirals hidden in the internal structure and notecard givers with information about this amazing object.

There she sat until this week when my Art Students at Cal State Long Beach informed me that they couldn’t find the sim.  Sometimes the sims on Reaction Grid went down and had to be restarted, so I filed a Support Ticket with Reaction Grid.  It was then that I discovered the sims were no longer available:

“We are unable to support donated sims any longer. I am sorry if you had disappointed students. Thanks for understanding.”

So I’m now looking for a permanent home for my masterpiece.

Watch as Saffia Widdershins and Elrik Merlin explore my sim for Treet TV’s Designing Worlds:

Designing Worlds & Treet TV visit Wizard Gynoid\’s sim on Reaction Grid